Welcome back, Sk8erDude
if you are not 'Sk8erDude', please use the login form to the left.

You are part of the skateboard competition. If you place among the top 5 in the overall highscore list, you will win a LEGO Island 2 skateboard!

If you do not want to be part of the competition, you must log out of LEGO.com

Welcome back, Sk8erDude
if you are not 'Sk8erDude', please use the login form to the left.

You have not entered the skateboard competition. You need to fill in your e-mail information.

Welcome back, Sk8erDude
if you are not 'Sk8erDude', please use the login form to the left.

You have not entered the skateboard competition. To join the competition, you need to log into the web club.

You could win one of 5 fab-tastic LEGO Island 2 skateboards, plus lots of other goodies. Just login to the LEGO Web Club with your email address, and go beat those scores!